Introductory Week

Introductory Week




Saturday 3rd October
5.30 pm: Prolusion by Prof. Fulvio Ferrario: The chair and the pulpit. Theological service in the Evangelical Church (at Chiesa Valdese in Piazza Cavour)
Follow the live streaming, go to the following page:

Sunday 4th October
10.45 am: Prof. Yann Redalié: Opening Cult (at the Waldensian Church in Piazza Cavour)
Follow the live streaming, go to the following page:

Monday 5th October
9-12 am: presentation of the programme, introduction to the Library
2.30pm-5pm: evangelical churches in Italy (introduction for international students)

Tuesday 6th October
9-11 am: Prof. Davide Romano: Doing theology in the Adventist Faculty of Villa Aurora

Wednesday 7th October
9-11 am: Prof. Giuseppe Lorizio: Theology at the Pontifical Lateran University

Thursday 8th October
9-11 am: proff. Gury Schneider- Ludorff and Markus Mülke: Theology at the Augustana Hochschule in Neuendettelsau

Friday 9th October
5.30 pm: Presentation of the book Re-reading the Reformation by Fulvio Ferrario and Lothar Vogel
Chairman: Dr. Domenico Segna
Speakers: proff. Cettina Militello (Marianum) and Paolo Ricca (FVT) 

Participation on site is limited respectively to 80 people (for the Opening Ceremony and the Opening Worship) and 12 people (for the introductory week events). The Prolusion and the Opening Worship can be followed on the Facebook page of the Waldensian Church in Piazza Cavour or on the page on 3 and 4 October. 
The events of the intensive week can be followed via Zoom in telematic mode (5-9 October).
Whoever subscribes by e-mail to the following address, the link that will allow you to connect will be sent.